Based on the actual development of the characteristic agricultural product industry of ginger and garlic in this region, we will make every effort to build an agricultural industry chain development system that integrates production, supply, and sales, with complete functions, great development potential, and strong driving ability.
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Laiwu Manhing Vegetables Fruits Co., Ltd

A national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization that integrates research and development, cultivation, acquisition, storage, processing, and sales of agricultural products

In the year 2006, the Ministry of economy, trade and industry has established a wide range of public and private services in the province of the province。


Since the establishment of the company, the company has established a series of features of Jiangwu, which is characterized by the production of a total of the total number of tillers, the total of which is the total weight of the total number of rice plants, and the total amount of the total amount of rice is。


The main dish of the company is the main dish of 100 countries including 100 main dishes, dehydrated, squatting, and staggered products, and many of the 120 large number of products. In the end of the year, we are a member of the astta Association of the Republic of Aston, the beauty of the beauty, the sparrow, the balance of interest, the earrings of the earth, the Kuta, and so on。


In 2008, we selected the Best Western envoys of the Qing Dynasty, and we had a total number of Chinese ginger outlets, and we had a total number of Chinese jewellery in the first quarter of the year。


registered capital




Exporting countries and regions


Export earnings in 2021

industry status

Manhing has been rated as the largest exporter of ginger in China for 11 consecutive years. Ginger exports have consistently ranked first in the country, while garlic exports rank among the top three in the country. It processes and exports 300000 tons of agricultural products annually.Manhing always adheres to product quality standards and system construction in line with international standards. Its products have passed more than 20 domestic and international certifications, including ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, BRC, Kosher, and AEO advanced certifications from customs. In the 2018 Top 500 National Key Leading Enterprises in Agricultural Industrialization,Manhing ranked 216th.

Relying on the strong advantage of deep processing and export, Manhing has become a first-class and nationally renowned agricultural product processing and export leading enterprise in the province, further consolidating its leading position in the national ginger and garlic processing industry, and is developing into the strongest ginger and garlic food processing brand enterprise in the international and domestic markets.

4+3+6 framework structure
Manhing hasthree service centers(self owned planting base, agricultural product safety testing and research center, cold chain logistics storage center)、four factories(pickled products industrial park, dehydrated products industrial park, Qingdao Manhing Food Processing Factory, and Jinxiang Manhing Food Processing Factory)、 Six trading subsidiaries(garlic export company, ginger export company, fruit export company, Hong Kong trading company, US trading company, domestic marketing center)。
Manhing's own planting base

Strictly following GAP standards, ginger and garlic have passed green food certification. At the same time, from the acceptance of raw materials into the factory to the entire production process, until the output of finished products, all are monitored by the quality control department, and the laboratory conducts strict testing on each process, truly achieving comprehensive and full process control and management.

Agricultural Product Safety Testing R&D Center

Strictly following GAP standards, ginger and garlic have passed green food certification. At the same time, from the acceptance of raw materials into the factory to the entire production process, until the output of finished products, all are monitored by the quality control department, and the laboratory conducts strict testing on each process, truly achieving comprehensive and full process control and management.

Cold chain logistics storage center

Strictly following GAP standards, ginger and garlic have passed green food certification. At the same time, from the acceptance of raw materials into the factory to the entire production process, until the output of finished products, all are monitored by the quality control department, and the laboratory conducts strict testing on each process, truly achieving comprehensive and full process control and management.

Brand Honors
The company was elected as the chairman unit of Ginger Association of China Chamber of Commerce for Soil and Animal Husbandry, the vice chairman unit of Garlic Branch, the demonstration enterprise of the 948 project (onion, ginger, garlic) of the Ministry of Agriculture, the contractor unit of the National Spark Program, and the exemplary organization of the national science popularization, agriculture and village revitalization.
It has been rated as a "provincial-level green card action demonstration base" and a "national key leading enterprise" in agricultural industrialization. The company's Gongjiazhuang planting base has been named the "National Ginger Planting Technology Demonstration Base" by the Ministry of Agriculture of China, and has been designated as a "National Science and Technology Agriculture Promotion Plan Science Popularization Demonstration Unit" by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.
Development prospects

Continuing to leverage the unique agricultural advantages of Laiwu ginger and garlic, and extending the industrial chain: using the company's industrial park project as a carrier, actively carrying out the construction of agricultural product cold chain logistics and fruit and vegetable quick freezing projects, comprehensively promoting the adjustment of the enterprise's industrial structure, talent structure, technical structure, product structure, and organizational structure, continuously elongating the enterprise's industrial chain, so that the enterprise can steadily form from high-end to low-end, with a sound product line, wide coverage, and strong risk resistance ability A product system with significant efficiency enhancement effects.
      Efforts should be made to consolidate and expand the market, and accelerate the improvement of enterprises' export and foreign exchange earning capabilities. Firstly, the main goal is to focus on the high-end market and adhere to the "two pronged approach", focusing not only on consolidating international markets (Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, the Middle East, Africa, etc.), but also on expanding domestic markets (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, etc.). The second is to accelerate the construction of a convenient marketing network, focusing on full cooperation with large supermarkets, utilizing their marketing network, and occupying the domestic high-end market.