Company News
Persist in making technological innovation the core of improving product competitiveness, continuously increase investment in science and technology, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia, and research,
Strive to break through a batch of key technologies and improve product quality with technological strength。


In recent years, the city's agricultural industrialization has made great progress, the level of industrialization has been significantly improved, many leading enterprises from small to large, from weak to strong, the driving role of the city's agriculture has been significantly enhanced. In order to continue to accelerate the pace of agricultural industrialization in our city, promote farmers to increase income, combined with the construction of new socialist countryside, this newspaper has launched the "construction of new countryside · Leading dance up" column since today, the city's provincial and municipal key leading enterprises to focus on publicity reports, please pay attention to readers. In early spring, the warmth returns to the cold. It's a bustling scene at the Manhing Fruit and Vegetable Food Processing Co., LTD., located in Xizhake village, Yangzhuang Town, Lae district, where hundreds of workers are busy bagging ginger for export to Pakistan and loading it onto trucks. This season, because of the fear of freezing ginger, ginger farmers easily do not take out the ginger from the ginger kiln to sell. Where does Manhing company get so much fresh ginger? The secret is in the basement of the company's workshop. People store ginger have the habit of sprinkling "66 powder", resulting in ginger exports often encounter "green barriers". In order to change this situation, since last year, Manhing Company has moved forward the "production link of the company" and purchased enough ginger during the harvest season, and then stored it in the earth kiln under the company. This eliminates the need for farmers to use pesticides and allows ginger to be exported throughout the year. Not only that, "Manhing" company has also influenced and changed the planting habits of ginger farmers. Under the guidance of the company's technical staff, Zhu Yuxue, secretary of the Party branch of Xiyu Village, Xuye Town, Laicheng District, increased the spacing of the rows and the spacing of the plants by 15 cm and 10 cm respectively last year, and fastened the greenhouses for the first time. As a result, the ginger head increased, more than 500 kilograms per mu. Zhu Yuxue said that after Xiyu village became Manhing's contract planting base last year, one-third of the village's farmers changed their ginger planting mode, increasing production, exporting products and earning the equivalent of 2 mu per mu. From the seeds began to intervene, and then planting, spraying, harvesting, storage and other links have been tracked and guided. "Manhing" This "business model" of the company to export agricultural product quality control standards forward to pre-production and production links, initially realized the revolutionary change from passive "coping with barriers" to active "across barriers", and passed the EU GAP certification in May last year. The quality of agricultural and sideline products is very picky Europeans, finally recognized the Manhing fruit and vegetable food, making a large number of products flow into the European market, exports to Europe of agricultural and sideline products accounted for the proportion of the entire market exports from 2002 1% to the current 30% or more. As a result, since 2003, General manager Liu Jianzeng has maintained the title of "Shandong ginger export first person" for three consecutive years. In 2005, the company's exports reached 30 million US dollars. "Manhing" company employs more than 100 people all year round, odd jobs up to more than 500 people, workers monthly salary of 1000 yuan; Has been in Yangzhuang, Xueye, Yangli and other towns to develop ginger and garlic GAP base of 2000 mu. Farmer's voice Zhao Xiuju (female, 46 years old) : I am Zhai Ke village, to "Manhing" for seven years, is an old worker. My couple are in this enterprise, the monthly income of two people adds up to more than 2000 yuan. "Manhing" in the house is the blessing of our village, our village has 60 or 70 people in this enterprise, monthly salary, annual bonus, people rich, "Manhing" let us live more prosperous. Su Luqin (female, 50 years old) : I am Yangzhuang town Dagutou village, 6 miles away from the enterprise, back and forth by bike to work. In the past, I planted garlic at home. Now I plant garlic and work here. Our uncles and sisters-in-law work in this enterprise together, earning 30 or 40 yuan a day, 700 or 800 yuan a month, and getting a bonus of more than 1,000 yuan at the end of last year. Liu Jianzeng: In building a new socialist countryside, more attention will be paid to farmers at all levels. The development environment of our agricultural product processing enterprises will also become more and more relaxed. We will take advantage of this east wind to make the export business bigger and stronger, so that Laiwu's agricultural products can be sold to the world.