Company News
Persist in making technological innovation the core of improving product competitiveness, continuously increase investment in science and technology, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia, and research,
Strive to break through a batch of key technologies and improve product quality with technological strength。


This morning, Shandong Manhing Foods Corporation. Chairman Liu Jianzheng was invited to participate in the Shandong Provincial People's Government Information Office held the "go in front of the front and strive to write the Chinese modernization of Shandong chapter" the theme of the series of reporters meeting the third, around the theme of "fulfilling social responsibility to serve the revitalization of rural" to meet and exchange with reporters. Question: Mr. Liu Jianzeng, how do you think leading agricultural enterprises should position themselves in vigorously developing modern agriculture and serving rural revitalization? What does Manhing Company do? Liu Jianzeng: Leading agricultural enterprises are the new force leading rural revitalization and agricultural modernization, the backbone of building the whole agricultural industry chain and building a modern rural industrial system, and an important body driving farmers' employment and income. In recent years, as a national agricultural leading enterprise, Manhing Company has earnestly enhanced its sense of social responsibility, strictly practiced the responsibility and mission of "connecting farmers and leading farmers", and actively fulfilled the "four roles" : First, strive to be the "backbone" of rural industry. Laiwu ginger garlic industry has achieved Manhing company, Manhing company has also boosted the development of ginger garlic industry, more than 70% of the company's business income comes from ginger garlic industry, to achieve the national "ginger boss" industry position, the future will continue to focus on ginger garlic industry, to further improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the industry. Second, strive to be the "leading wild goose" of the industrial chain. Leading enterprises in agriculture should play a leading role in leading, and actively make efforts in supplementing chain, extending chain, excellent chain and smooth chain, leading small and medium-sized enterprises to develop together. At present, Manhing has more than 5,000 upstream and downstream enterprises, forming a comprehensive industrial chain based on agriculture, covering catering, e-commerce, logistics and other fields. Third, strive to be the "locomotive" for farmers to increase their income. Prosperous life is the foundation of rural revitalization, Manhing company development does not forget to take farmers, through production and sales orders, land leasing and other ways, the average annual income of farmers per mu of land can increase about 5000 yuan. At the same time, the company absorbs more than 1,000 farmers from the local workshop to become front-line workers, so that farmers can achieve employment at home, and the per capita annual income reaches more than 40,000 yuan. Fourth, strive to be the "accelerator" of rural development. Actively participate in the "ten thousand enterprises xing ten thousand villages" action, and the resident village to achieve linkage development, pay 700,000 yuan a year to rent ginger pickling pond to develop primary processing, to assist the local establishment of labor cooperatives, to provide labor export services, to broaden the village collective economic development of a new path. Question: Manhing Company as a foreign trade enterprise, may I ask in the future in the enterprise's own development and service to the revitalization of rural areas, what is the plan? Liu Jianzeng: Shandong Manhing was founded based on Laiwu ginger. To strengthen Laiwu ginger, the growth of the company has always been inseparable from the countryside. Manhing will continue to rely on rural resources, with stronger development momentum, so that local villages can effectively enjoy the company's development dividends. On the one hand, the company will enrich product categories and improve market competitiveness. Based on the three industrial parks of dehydration, pickling and condiment, the company has accelerated the formation of "3 10,000 tons" (that is, the production capacity of pickled products, crispy onion and dried sweet pepper exceeds 10,000 tons) and "2 20,000 tons" (the production capacity of dehydrated granules and compound condiments exceeds 20,000 tons) of deep processing capacity, and participated in the implementation of the national 14th Five-Year key research and development Plan projects. The development of more rich categories, higher added value, more competitive features of the product, with the improvement of the enterprise's own comprehensive strength, to drive the local agricultural products planting and sales, help farmers to increase income and get rich. On the other hand, we will make full use of the "two resources", deeply integrate into the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", continue to increase efforts to explore the international market, make full use of various types of internationally renowned exhibitions, take the initiative to connect with markets and customers, and strive to earn more than 350 million US dollars in export foreign exchange by 2024. Accelerate the planning of global industrial layout, incorporate Vietnamese black pepper and Indian spices into the company's raw material base, build a physical factory in Thailand, and truly realize "buy the world and sell the world". At the same time, dig deep into the domestic market, on the basis of making good use of e-commerce channels, cooperate with large domestic catering chain enterprises, and use its channel advantages to put the company's products on the table of the people. (Source: Shandong Provincial People's Government Information Office)