Company News
Persist in making technological innovation the core of improving product competitiveness, continuously increase investment in science and technology, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia, and research,
Strive to break through a batch of key technologies and improve product quality with technological strength。


February 7, 2014 is the first day of the New Year, Manhing all staff gathered in the industrial park workshop held the "2013 annual work summary commendation and 2014 work mobilization deployment conference". The leaders of the company who participated in the meeting were general manager Liu Jianzeng, deputy general manager Wei Xue, deputy general manager Lv Yiju and deputy general manager Zhang Jun. At the meeting, outstanding employees of all departments in 2013 were commended, and representatives of outstanding employees made typical speeches on the stage. Mr. Liu made an important speech. He said that all departments had made gratifying achievements in 2013, especially a large number of hardworking, diligent and dutiful excellent employees emerged from all positions. He hoped that all employees would continue to carry forward the spirit of ownership, work hard and strive to be advanced, and create a vibrant culture of Manhing. Mr. Liu also made a brief plan for the operation and development of the company, and put forward requirements and hopes for the work of all departments in 2014. We believe that with the correct guidance and strong support of the company's leaders, with the joint efforts of all employees, the company will be able to ride the trend, and the future of Manhing will be better!