Company News
Persist in making technological innovation the core of improving product competitiveness, continuously increase investment in science and technology, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia, and research,
Strive to break through a batch of key technologies and improve product quality with technological strength。


In 2014, the salting department of Manhing Company has made gratifying achievements under the cooperative efforts and unity of all workshop workers. In the daily work, the emergence of a group of home selfless, conscientious, dedication to their duties of excellent employees, they will work first, to the factory as home, dedication, in the ordinary work of the unknown to express the great and noble personality charm of the working class in the new era. "Work is done out, not wait out, since doing this, you have to do the work well, you have to be responsible!" Excellent employees represent the simple words, out of the staff of the work due diligence, no regrets. Throughout the year of 2014, the pickling department is in a good situation, orders increased, but at the same time brought a tight time, heavy tasks, workload of production tasks, workshop staff work overtime, the precious rest time dedicated to the work, successfully completed the 2014 annual work tasks, to achieve product quality zero accidents, has been widely praised by customers.