Company News
Persist in making technological innovation the core of improving product competitiveness, continuously increase investment in science and technology, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia, and research,
Strive to break through a batch of key technologies and improve product quality with technological strength。


In 2021, the year of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the completion of the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the focus of the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers has historically shifted to comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. On the morning of September 23, the "2021 China (Laiwu) Farmer Harvest Festival" was held at the Party Spirit Education Base for Laiwu Cadres (Niuquan Town Pigeon House Village). The event was hosted by Laiwu District Committee of Jinan and Laiwu District People's Government, and hosted by Laiwu District RongMedia Center and Niuquan Town People's Government, with the theme of "Welcome National Day, Share Harvest, Celebrate Harvest and Help Rural Revitalization". The harvest festival kicked off in the traditional Jingyun drum performance. At the event site, the town streets, agricultural enterprises' product promotion and display, live delivery of goods, and artistic performances allowed the masses to share the joy of harvest, and also saw the excellent results achieved in the rural revitalization and poverty alleviation of Laiwu District, which enhanced the masses' sense of identity in the cause of agriculture. At the same time, in order to commend the enterprises that have made outstanding contributions to the work of rural revitalization and poverty alleviation, 30 winners of the first "Agricultural leading wild goose" in Laiwu District were selected by the District Agriculture and Rural Bureau and the District Rural Revitalization Bureau, and Liu Jianzeng, chairman of Shandong Manhing Food Co., LTD., was awarded the "Agricultural Leading wild goose" agricultural industry leader and was commended. This is not only the recognition of the achievements made by my unit in recent years, but also the spur to continue to play the leading role of agricultural enterprises in the future. Compared with the previous harvest festival, more farmers participated in this harvest festival, enjoy the joy of harvest, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of farmers, and enhance the sense of honor, happiness and sense of gain of farmers in the whole region. Manhing Company will take this harvest festival as an opportunity to continue to carry forward the charm of Laiwu District's characteristic agricultural products, create its own well-known brands, and contribute to the revitalization of rural areas.