Company News
Persist in making technological innovation the core of improving product competitiveness, continuously increase investment in science and technology, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia, and research,
Strive to break through a batch of key technologies and improve product quality with technological strength。


The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Commerce that recently the provincial government officially awarded our city the title of "Shandong Province export agricultural product quality and Safety Demonstration City", becoming one of the three demonstration cities in our province (Weihai, Rizhao, Laiwu). In recent years, the city has strengthened the source control, accelerated the standardization process, built a safety testing system, and firmly held the quality and safety of export agricultural products. Strict market access, the implementation of registration and filing of agricultural drugs entering the local market, in accordance with the national and export target market standards for audit, after examination to meet the requirements before entering the market circulation. Integrate the three channels of agriculture, postal service and supply and marketing, build high-standard distribution centers for pesticide seeds and fertilizer, and form a direct supply network of exclusive rights at three levels: district, town and village. Regular and irregular spot checks should be combined to increase the frequency of law enforcement inspections in pesticide markets, especially in remote markets, and crack down on the sale of counterfeit, shoddy and prohibited pesticides. In accordance with the EU GAP organic food production standards, we will vigorously promote the standardized cultivation of ginger and garlic. Guide enterprises to establish self-owned bases, establish agricultural product quality testing system, and ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products from the source. At present, more than 80% of the city's ginger and garlic processing enterprises have set up standardized self-owned bases, the standardized ginger planting base covers an area of 131,000 mu, and the standardized garlic planting area is 170,000 mu. In terms of safety testing system, relying on the inspection center of Laiwu entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the municipal agricultural product inspection and testing center has been established to unify and coordinate the testing work of agricultural products at the municipal level and in the two districts. The district-level inspection and testing center has been set up in Laicheng District, a self-inspection center or rapid test room has been set up in key enterprises and wholesale markets of agricultural products, forming a three-level inspection and testing system covering the quality and safety of export agricultural products in the city. Manhing, Dongxingyuan, Yipin and other companies have invested tens of millions of yuan to build a quality inspection center with international advanced level, which has realized the full test of the composition content and various indicators of ginger and garlic products. Actively explore the international market, successfully held 4 consecutive China Ginger Expo, Laiwu agricultural products successfully entered the UK TESCO and other multinational company procurement network, export markets throughout 95 countries and regions. With the platform of "agricultural and super docking" and the way of "supermarket + demonstration area + leading enterprise", the quality and safety of agricultural products have entered the supermarket and wholesale market. At present, the number of participating export enterprises has reached 20, more than 100 chain supermarkets (stores), and 227 special districts (counters).